EIP-7212: Precompiled for secp256r1 Curve Support

Yeah, indeed. Just might be cool to mention in the RIP that the precompile always returns true, so there is no room left for interpretations.

Integration Updates

Congrats to all teams!


I’ve posted a short summary before the next ACDE about “RIP-7212 in Pectra” to help with its discussion.

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Realistically, at this point, when will it come out on Ethereum?

It works on Polygon, BSC and elsewhere

Final decision to add this proposal to the Pectra hard fork can be given in the next ACDE call due to the last one. You can check its summary:point_down:


  • Ulaş Erdoğan shared a document with open questions about bringing EIP-7212 to mainnet.
  • I emphasized that we still hadn’t implemented everything we’d committed to for Pectra (and had just spent the rest of the call discussing ongoing spec changes), and that we probably shouldn’t consider extending the scope right now.
  • Ansgar shared that we keep pushing back the decision about 7212 and we should aim to make a final one soon, ideally the next ACDE.