EIP-4844: Shard Blob Transactions - Cancun upgrade

EIP-4844 introduces Shard Blob Transactions.

Blob data would make a big impact to make Ethereum the central place to rollups by taking the first step towards danksharding: a vision where ethereum as L1 can host and attract a diverse set of L2s with much lower fees for ethereum L2 users.

Nov 22 EIP-4844 shanghai candidate update:

  • No interactions with Shanghai EVM EIPs: the EIP adds one opcode to push a datahash onto the stack, and a precompile to verify data against the commitment.
  • Compatibility with Withdrawals: the EL and CL specs are based on top of the withdrawal work (EL, CL, Engine API)
  • EIP-4844 Spec completion:
    • We have iterated through EIP changes for 9 months, and the scope of changes reduced significantly over time
    • The EIP received review from most client implementer teams
    • Complementary CL specs and Engine API specs
  • EIP-4844 Testing:
    • There is an active interop repository
    • Devnets of increasing size and client participation (see devnet section)
    • Ongoing work to analyze network impact, but conservatively reduced back the blobs parameter for initial iteration.
  • EIP-4844 KZG-ceremony readiness:
  • EIP-4844 KZG library readiness:
  • EIP-4844 Devnet readiness:
    • Wide client devnet support:
      • EL: Erigon, Geth, Nethermind
      • CL: Prysm, Lighthouse, Lodestar
    • Targetting devnet v3 soon after ACD, on Nov. 30

Dec 8 EIP-4844 ACD update: EIP-4844 was confirmed as primary focus for Cancun.


Hi all - just wanted to share this blog post from Coinbase discussing our support for the EIP-4844 effort.


  • Following the Merge, EIP-4844 is an upcoming upgrade to Ethereum that will introduce data availability for rollups, leading to reduced fees and more transaction throughput
  • We see EIP-4844 as a key enabler for bringing our customers into the cryptoeconomy with a secure, easy to use experience that is faster and cheaper
  • We’ve been helping drive this effort alongside the Optimism and Ethereum Foundation teams, dedicating significant internal engineering resources to accelerate the work.
  • If you’re interested in contributing to the effort, you can see the open items in the EIP-4844 readiness checklist or join our next community call — both can be found at eip4844.com.

Really excited to continue scaling Ethereum with the broader community.


Thank you for sharing @jessepollak.
It’s so exciting to see so much progress and passion in the movement.