EIP-2711: Separate gas payer from msg.sender

I’m looking at this as the most updated link, let me know if this is wrong. Under the nonce rationale you’ve listed payload size and deadlock as the problems with requiring a sponsor’s nonce, but I feel like increased cost of validation is biggest concern. I’m not sure if you intended it that to fall under deadlock, but I think it is slightly different and worth mentioning.

I agree with you, we should avoid giving a history lesson within the EIP. However, I believe that it is worth mentioning that this EIP by itself does not solve the relayer payment problem. For that we really need something like rich transactions or batched transactions. I wrote about this need more here.

What do you see as the advantage of this method? At first I was thinking maybe we don’t need to change the tx structure, but if you don’t and introduce some sort of precompile for the relayer to send to then you’re going to link together the signer and sponsor’s nonce - which I think is a problem.

I agree, I don’t want to get hung up on a name it means no support. However, I think being precise in naming is valuable - especially in a technical field. The people I’ve spoken to 1:1 regarding this find it is a more suitable name and appreciate that it is not overloaded with other meanings. Sponsored transactions clearly explain what this EIP is proposing. There is nothing “meta” about the transaction format here, everything is explicit and defined in the protocol. For those reasons, I think it is an appropriate title for this EIP.