I believe the discussion is now over as I am 100% certain this Defi backed proposal was never intended to negatively impact them, only POW miners, not POS. Their plan has been to jack up yield farming and steal Ethereum from the fools giving up Ethereum for fake yield coins and then use it to stake in Eth2.0. They want the fees reduced in 1.0 not 2.0 when they will be staking using the coins they stole.
So now we have come full circle. Remember the dev call where Defi members stormed the meeting, insulted devs and miners, and stated they would cause a chain split if a fork was made to remove ASICs? Maybe they should have had a little more respect for those of us who have been here since day one, protecting the network.
Like I have said before gas fees can be reduced easily by January. Change Ethash algo, take ASICs off the network and GPU miners will agree to ETH issuance reduction equal to increase in rewards after 30 days stability in hash.
Maybe the Defi community needs to learn how to work with the miners instead of insisting they get everything they want while the rest of us must wait and take pay cuts.