I’ve been working actively on this idea since 2016 when we proposed an IP rights management on blockchains with COALA IP: GitHub - COALAIP/specs: COALA IP is a blockchain-ready, community-driven protocol for intellectual property licensing.. Way more recently, with https://neume.network we’re building a socially scalable data extraction crawler geared towards derivative data published on Ethereum. The biggest challenge we currently face is that many in the space consider block tag “latest” as the de-facto manifestation of a blockchain object: But honestly, working more closely on the use case, what seems to be most important is the idempotency of calls and block tag “latest” doesn’t allow it.
So I’ve been actively trying to influence identity groups to add a block tag descriptor to identity formats - I see them as precursors to properly linked data. Here are two examples where I’ve yet to succeed having influence and adding idempotency:
CAIP-19: CAIP-19: Add block number tag in query by qizhou · Pull Request #125 · ChainAgnostic/CAIPs · GitHub
EIP-4804: EIP-4804: Web3 URL to EVM Call Message Translation - #27 by TimDaub