A Post Mortem Report: The Constantinople Ethereum Hard Fork Postponement

One of the things I noticed was that 1052 and 1014 never went past Draft (so didn’t go through Last Call), and a bunch of us (me, @axic, @5chdn) were pointing this out and at least trying to get them set as Final / Accepted in the weeks leading up to the scheduled hard fork date.

This isn’t related to any of the issues around postponing the fork or the 1283 EIP (which did follow process), but it is an example of how we should track these sorts of things and actually follow process.

It seemed hard to get the attention of EIP editors (no reviews, no comments) on what was a basic administrative clean up (setting status on EIPs that were scheduled to be included).

There are two “tracking” issues in the EIP repo around this with more discussion, filed by @fulldecent.

Do we need more EIP editors to help with these admin tasks? How can we help?