EVM Object Format (EOF)

But in the case of an EOA recipient it should not!

The extcodesize check is not redundant, it’s necessary to implement the semantics.


Ah, you’re totally right. I misread the purpose of the check in these EIPs. It’s there to skip the onReceived() calls without reverting. Without it the EIPs will still work for contracts but not for EOAs.

So yeah, this does seem like a new use case for the check. I still think it does not make the EIPs unimplementable though, it just neuters some of their safeguards, which previously wasn’t considered a strong enough reason for an additional call return code.

The way you’d implement it without the check would be for ‘safe transfer’ to always issue a call and check whether it’s an EOA based on the status and return data. If the call is successful and the return data is empty, it’s probably an EOA. Of course this will have some false positives, e.g. if it just happens to be a contract has an onERC1155Received() function that returns nothing. Or if the contract intercepts the call in its fallback function.

I don’t think this is qualitatively different from the case of the extcodesize check on high-level calls in Solidity that we brought up earlier. Still, if this additional case is enough to sway the decision towards making this case properly distinguishable, I’m all for it.

EOF Call 52 notes

  • Clients
    • Besu and EVMONE are adapting to recent spec changes
    • Nethermind and Geth are progressing with their implementations, currently working on state test issues
    • EELS has started an implementation
    • No updates from Reth or EthJS
  • Compilers
    • No updates from Solidity or Vyper
  • Spec Updates
    • Discussed the need to differentiate EOAs from contract accounts, for ERC-721’s safe transafer from method
      • Two major options: return codes (as outlined above) and reworking EXTCODESIZE
        • Return codes could be tweaked to set high bits for flags. bit 7 - failure, bit 6 - was an EOA bits 0-3 status.
          However, this could impose overhead for contracts that don’t care about EOA status
          Ipsilon will ping @rodiazet to see if we can quantify the overhead we would see out of solidity
        • EXTCODESIZE could be recast like DIFFICULTY/RANDOAO was recast.
          A new IS_CONTRACT opcode would overlay it, returns 0 if it has no code and 1 if it does, regardless of size. Compiler logic that only tests codesize > 0 would still work.
          The downside is this is an infringement of banning code introspection. While not a bad one as it is a simple question of “do you execute code”
    • Discussed changing max_stack_height in the types section in light of the requirements for input_size already existing, so that a double counting can be removed from CALLF checks.
      There were concerns about a non-essential change going in this late, however @chfast was not on the call it was decided to push it out two weeks when he can be present to advocate for his change
    • Banning EOFCREATE and RETURNCONTRACT referencing the same container was finalized
  • Testing updates
    • We discussed the issues around system contract actions such as beacon block, block hash, and withdrawals/deposits/consolidations.
      A new field will be added to the “env” section of t8n requests indicating if those block level action should or should not be performed. This will allow state tests to evaluate just the TX and not the whole block.
    • We also discussed differentiating initcode and runtime code in EOF container validation tests. a new field will be added allowing test consumers to differentiate. PRs will be forthcoming.
  • Devnet
    • Because we do not have multiple clients ready we will not be launching a devnet in June. Target is now July.
    • Kurtosis is ready to support EOF networks. Assertor tests need to be written to deomnstrate basic readiness for EOF create transactions.

Next call is in 2 weeks, on 10 July. Danno and Piotr will be absent.