EIP-7212: Precompiled for secp256r1 Curve Support

As an RIP, the proposal has not been planned for the Ethereum mainnet yet. It can be considered in the future.

Integration Update

With the Napoli Hard Fork in the Polygon PoS Chain, RIP-7212 is active on the mainnet. Congrats to the team for being the first to implement an RIP on the mainnet.

Announcement Tweet

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Do you guys have a code snippet on how to implement it onchain in Solidity? Thank you

Fastest implementation is here

Actually i’m still working on it and will push a version around 160K in April which will go to an audit.

You can easily adapt this script to bench extra libraries ONCHAIN (this one demonstrate benching of daimo and FCL). (it is easy to forgot to configure toml effectively, or cancel stack optimization).

Thanks for sharing additional resources @rdubois-crypto!

Also, sharing basic wrapper contract to call the precompile contract.

Function here
     * @notice Calls the verifier function with given params
     * @param verifier address     - Address of the verifier contract
     * @param hash bytes32         - Signed data hash
     * @param rs bytes32[2]        - Signature array for the r and s values
     * @param pubKey bytes32[2]    - Public key coordinates array for the x and y values
     * @return - bool - Return the success of the verification
    function callVerifier(
        address verifier,
        bytes32 hash,
        bytes32[2] memory rs,
        bytes32[2] memory pubKey
    ) internal view returns (bool) {
         * Prepare the input format
         * input[  0: 32] = signed data hash
         * input[ 32: 64] = signature r
         * input[ 64: 96] = signature s
         * input[ 96:128] = public key x
         * input[128:160] = public key y
        bytes memory input = abi.encodePacked(hash, rs[0], rs[1], pubKey[0], pubKey[1]);

        // Make a call to verify the signature
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = verifier.staticcall(input);

        uint256 returnValue;
        // Return true if the call was successful and the return value is 1
        if (success && data.length > 0) {
            assembly {
                returnValue := mload(add(data, 0x20))
            return returnValue == 1;

        // Otherwise return false for the unsucessful calls and invalid signatures
        return false;
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Check out the interesting conversation with @ulerdogan on the present Signature scheme, special Elliptic Curves & a deep dive inside EOA while providing the overview of RIP7212 on PEEPanEIP

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